Prayer For The Gift Of Life

Morning Prayer for the Gift of Life

Dear Lord, I give you thanks and praise for the gift of life I have this morning. Yesterday was a horrible day and now it has past and is gone. Today is a new day, and a fresh start. I want to embrace the gift you have given me this morning.

I appreciate that whatever happened twenty-four hours ago cannot touch me now. Life is precious and life is fleeting, so I want to take advantage of a new beginning this morning. I want to live today to its fullest, even if nothing remarkable happens. Just the fact that I am alive and not dead, am health and not sick are great reasons to celebrate in the Spirit.

Thank you God for life, for your gift of salvation. I pray this all in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Prayer of Thankfulness for Gift of Life

Thank you Lord God for my life. Thank you for my marriage. Thank you for my children. Thank you for my job. Thank you for my friends. Thank you for the house that we live in right now. Thank you for health in my body and mind and spirit today.

I want to thank you over and over for the gift of life I feel in my heart today, Lord! I just want to keep giving you thanks all throughout this day. I can give you thanks for the fact that my car works and isn’t broken down. I can give you thanks for the reality that there is money in the checking account so I can buy groceries and what we need for this week to eat.

I am filled with gratitude for all that you have done and are doing in my life, O God. I don’t want to stop giving you thanks and praise for who you are and how you are guiding me each moment. Thank you Lord, in the powerful and mighty name of Jesus I pray, Amen.

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